Down Right Perfect is an extension of Giselle Evelyn Photography Inc. The main focus of this blog is to raise Down Syndrome Awareness & the self esteem building for these amazing children.
It also acts for children with Down Syndrome as a starting point to
build a modeling portfolio. Models range in age from 0-18 years of age.
build a modeling portfolio. Models range in age from 0-18 years of age.
Here is how it works:
and I will send you an application form to fill out. All children with Down Syndrome are
automatically approved, I just need all your info and for you to sign it as it is a release form to use the images.
2. When a vendor approaches me with merchandise they need models for, or if I become inspired to do a project, I look through the apps, and find the best fit for the job. You will get an email & we will work out a booking time.
3. Modeling session fees are $0. HOWEVER, models must be prepared to spend at around $50 on wardrobe if need be. But keep in mind these are not full photography sessions. There will only be a couple of great shots from each session and this is normal. You will only be responsible for purchasing any prints you would like, and I can help you start a portfolio if you wish.
4. You do NOT have to want your child to be a professional model. If you just think your kid is great at taking photos and want to get in on this, jump on in! As long as you have signed the release form
you can participate.
you can participate.
If you are a vendor and you’re interested in having your merchandise
modeled by one of our lovely models, please send me an email me at
modeled by one of our lovely models, please send me an email me at
Vendors Must Consider the following as well as sign a release form:
1. Any items sent to be modeled are considered to be gifts & become property of Giselle Evelyn Photography Inc. I (being the owner) can then use them as I see fit without crediting the maker at any time after the initial photoshoot. I will most likely either use them for more shoots, give them to the model, or donate them for charity fundraisers. I will NEVER sell something given to me for a DRP model shoot. Ever.
2. Vendors will be emailed pictures chosen by Giselle Evelyn Photography Inc. from the session to use on their websites & social networking sites or etsy etc...
Vendors may NOT tamper with the watermark on the image.
3. Vendors will be given credit AT ALL TIMES when images are used on this blog. I will try to always credit vendors on my facebook fan page for Giselle Evelyn Photography Inc as well, but I can not guarantee that parents of the children will credit vendors when they share or if I use image for marketing purposes.
4. There is no money involved. This would be an even trade. The purpose of this blog will never be to make money, therefore I do not charge vendors who donate things to inspire our models. I
kindly ask vendors to not to request any monetary compensation & respect the purpose of this blog. :)
kindly ask vendors to not to request any monetary compensation & respect the purpose of this blog. :)
5. I will always promote the vendor to the best of my ability on my facebook page & list their websites, fanpages, blogs, shops, etc on the blog. Icons and banners are highly reccommended to send
for the blog post, so I can turn them into links to the vendors pages.
for the blog post, so I can turn them into links to the vendors pages.
6. Vendors who donate multiple times or items will get a link on the side of the blog as a featured vendor!
You absolutely can! Once you email me and let me know what you need photographed, I will ask if you have a model in mind or if you’d like me to pair the shoot with the model I think would be perfect. Just because you do not see a model on here that would fit your exact needs, don’t hesitate to ask because I have stacks of applications waiting for the perfect photo shoot!